  • June 22, 2018

Global giant Microsoft had decided to stop supporting the popular browser Internet Explorer long back, however, there are older web apps which still uses Internet Explorer.

Microsoft cautions it as perils of using Internet Explorer, which is the reason why they do not support the newer standards of Internet Explorer and Microsoft has even stopped testing for their sites, Microsoft has used various methods to discourage organizations that are using Internet Explorer but has not been very successful.

The exploiters are deploying Internet Explorer (IE) remote code execution vulnerability by integrating Crypto mining software to mine Monero, hence compromising the Windows PC.

Consider, the case of a Zero-day attack, IE allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code and corrupt the whole system.

The method to trigger the malware is first, it must have an Internet Explorer, and he decides to open the infected office file, this uses the Windows User Account Control, which the pop-ups are expected to prevent the unverified running of scripts, primarily, open the unverified office file by using Internet Explorer, this will trigger the malware.

The hackers can find out which software is being used and find a method to control them, whereby hackers access the whole network without being detected and then exploit the loopholes to attack.

Hackers don’t only explore the security software but also look at other software which can be attacked in future, the hackers then share the information within the hacker’s community, they study the company’s users and find out the vulnerabilities to gain access to the data and the systems.
